Saturday, September 16, 2006

WATT a BRIGHT Opinion of Ann Coulter

Message of hate

Ann Coulter claims that the widows of 9/11 are "enjoying their husbands' deaths," that "it would be a much better country if women didn't vote," that the American government should "be engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport."

She has stated that "my only regret with Timothy McVeigh (the Oklahoma City bomber) is that he did not go to the New York Times building" and joked that "we need somebody to put rat poison in (Supreme Court) Justice Stevens' creme brulee."

It is not just those of us who lost loved ones in the 9/11 tragedy and the Oklahoma City bombing who find her remarks abominable. All thinking people see Ann Coulter for what she is: a hate-mongering charlatan.

All thinking people except, it seems, the so-called "Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse." They paid Ms. Coulter handsomely to come to our fair city to spread her message of racism, sexism, hatred and ignorance.

That says a lot about CALA and its mission.

David Bright


Coulter's bile

Shameful: Ann Coulter speaks at the Solomon Ortiz Center and is honored as a hero by those who recycle her bile. In contrast, Cheryl McGuinness, whose husband was co-pilot of American Airlines Flight 11, the first jetliner to hit the World Trade Center on 9/11, speaks at a local junior high school.

Ann Coulter makes millions deriding those who lost loved ones on 9/11 and claims they are the ones "cashing in," yet is Cheryl McGuinness' book, "Beauty Beyond the Ashes," prominently displayed at Barnes & Nobles across the country?

Opportunities present themselves and Ann Coulter has taken hers, profiting from the deaths of victims of 9/11, taking a stance against those who have truly lost.

We are a reflection of those we relate to, sympathize with, and make our heroes. I am certain that most of the typical talk radio pundits will bask in the dim light Ann Coulter radiates, recounting her words for days to come as bits of wisdom as they lock-step with her. That is a reflection of what they believe is honorable.

Ann Coulter throws stones, and her mob casts along with her, or should I say broadcasts, sad really, the heroes they choose.

Jerry Colmenero



Have you ever noticed that the people who are supposed to stand for free speech and no restriction of individual rights seem to forget their beliefs when it comes to letting conservatives speak? Most of the liberals I know, including my brother-in-law, get extremely angry when you contradict any of their beliefs with facts. Whenever conservatives speak the truth about an issue they are instantly labeled as "mean-spirited" and not compassionate.

I am referring to the recent article in the Sept. 7 Caller-Times about Ann Coulter's recent visit to Corpus Christi to speak at a luncheon hosted by Bay Area Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse. Apparently local attorneys John Gsanger, David Bright, and Bill Edwards were on hand to protest her appearance at the Solomon P. Ortiz Center.

I have to laugh when I see the words "trial lawyer" and "compassionate" used in the same sentence. Trial attorneys can do some good things out there, but unfortunately some are simply making a living off the backs of consumers and corporations.

I may not believe in everything Ann Coulter believes in, but I will defend her right to say them. I love the quote in the article by local businessman George Manassian, who stated, "I love this country for the reason that people can say what they think."

Many brave soldiers throughout history died to defend our right to free speech. God bless America!



Rude speech

I thought the Bay Area Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (BACALA for short) were a smarter bunch. There are so many more knowledgeable speakers than Ann Coulter who can truly address issues of tort reform.

What does she know about enacting legislation to bring parity back to the court system? Given her speech on Sept. 6 at the Ortiz Center, apparently nothing.

All BACALA did was put on a three-ring right-wing political circus led by Corpus Christ's own head conservative clown and ringleader, Jim Lago.

Her speech was insulting. It did nothing to enlighten anybody about the issues BACALA supposedly supports. No new agendas were suggested, no new debates engaged.

I hope the true "conservatives" around here wake up and smell the old burnt coffee these right-wingers are trying to serve. Being "conservative" means you're willing to work for the core issues fundamental to every American family: good-paying jobs, dependable retirement plans, affordable health care, lower taxes, and lower personal and corporate welfare.

Herbie Garcia